Our Essentials for Everyday Well-Being

Our simple go-to health essentials that can make a big difference

Trying to get out of a funk? Looking to take a step towards a more healthy lifestyle, or simplify a complex one? A few of the right things can make a big difference. From a foam roller to stay limber and improve circulation, to an evening book for understanding, or just a great everyday lotion that doesn’t have a scary ingredients label or price-tag. Here are a few affordable basics we utilize all the time and see major benefits.

Dry Brush

Have you heard enough about this one yet? That may be so, but there’s a reason why people are still loving this method of self-care. Aside from lymphatic stimulation, (which we love to get additionally from evening leg-drains), it also helps to exfoliate and more importantly relax your body.


This one goes without saying, while you want to make sure to get your 15 minutes of sun sans-sunscreen, this one will do the trick the rest of the time. The day can lead where you don’t plan. Whether you end up at a patio for lunch or a long walk, unexpected periods in the sun will leave you very appreciative for a bit of spf in your moisturizer. There is nothing worse than an evening routine in the bathroom bemoaning that fact that if you had just put on some spf your nose wouldn’t be red and susceptible to pealing.


Juices, soups, a nutritious spread, or even a refreshing margarita are all covered with a good blender. While they don’t always bring the same results, cheaper ones can suffice, but we end up back at the store in a couple years for a new one. Why not do it all great with a blender that will long outlast any other. An essential tool for great health.

Foam Roller

As we get older it’s important to stay limber, while there’s always the free option of simple body stretching, we love a foam roller to really work out your body. From strained and even pulled muscles to more flexibility and improved circulation to toxin release. A few minutes on a roller will do wonders…there is a reason the pros use them. If a foam roller isn’t quite in the budget, or you don’t have the space, a tennis ball will work.


When it comes to picking an everyday moisturizer, we like to keep simple, that include the price tag. This lotion has the benefits to keeping your body moisturized, plus it also doubles as a face moisturizer on the fly. For us, it’s helpful to have an ‘all-purpose’ lotion that refrains from scary ingredients and works for any moment of dryness throughout the day.


A great go to brand for all your vitamin needs, Mary Ruth Organics. There are enough worthless vitamins out there that are simply ineffective, and others you can pay untold quantities of your hard earned money for, but this brand is high quality, clean, and as effective as anything else on the market. Mary Ruth is a great partner to help you keep up with any vitamin, mineral, or probiotic you might need a little boost on. While we prefer to get our vitamins from our diet, this is a great resource for that extra boost where you might be lacking.


Novels and murder mysteries are enticing and fun, a historical piece can be educational but a lot to chew…but these books are great for a five or ten minute read that can actually bring life long benefits. A few minutes with these books and you can pick up habits and tips that will help you enjoy better health and a longer run at it too!

Dr. Bronner's

One stop clean, this can be used for virtually everything, while we keep it in the bathroom, you can use this organic, cruelty free, biodegradable, fair trade, vegan soap for its official 18 uses and so much more! Use Dr. Bronner’s for washing your face to plates! We love the unscented version, but if we had to choose a scent we’d go for peppermint. 

Jojoba Oil

This multipurpose oil, grown naturally in America is an essential in our cabinets. It is deeply-hydrating with long-lasting moisture. While it is nutritious for our skin (hello, anti-aging?!), we love it mixed with a tincture of lavender oil and applied to the scalp. The perfect mixture for promoting scalp and hair follicle health. So whether you use it to moisturize, soften your cuticles, fade fine lines or sooth a sunburn…it’s best to have it on hand!

Our Essentials for Wellness